>: Thor: God Of Thunder Vol. 1


Marvel (Marvel Now!)

Thor: God Of Thunder #1-11


scénario: Jason Aaron

dessin: Esad Ribic, Butch Guice

encrage: Tom Palmer

lettrage: Joe Sabino

couleur: Ive Svorcina, Dean White

couverture: Esad Ribic

illustration: Esad Ribic, Joe Quesada, Danny Miki, Richard Isanove, Skottie Young, Daniel Acuna, Olivier Coipel, Laura Martin, R.M. Guéra, Gabriele Dell'Otto, Butch Guice, Tom Palmer

book design: Jeff Powell

édition: Lauren Sankovitch, Jake Thomas, Jennifer Grünwald, Sarah Brunstad, Alex Starbuck, Mark D. Beazley, Jeff Youngquist, Axel Alonso